Working Aloft Open Book Test
Please enter the following information (so we know who you are) then answer the questions below. When you have finished, click the Submit button at the end. Remember that you may refer to the climbing module.
1. To gain your climbing qualification,
* documents you have to get.
* steps you have to under take
* document you have to sign.
2. You are a member of a watch. Who do you ask to get permission to climb when the ship is UNDERWAY?
3. List pre-climbing checks - personal
4. List pre-climbing checks – on deck
5. When carrying out a “buddy check”, what do you look for?
6. When climbing you observe the following points:-
7. When moving onto and working on yards you always:-
8. Under what circumstances would you disqualify yourself from climbing duties?
9. When checking a harness & lanyard you look for defects/damage. Against each item, list DAMAGE you may find.
10. How many of the above defects are required before you remove harness/lanyard/hooks/karabiners from use?
11.When climbing, what are some of the points and precautions that should be used when attaching the hook to rigging?
That is the end of the test. Feel free to go back and check any answers - remember that it is an open book test, so you may refer to the climbing module.
Please click the Submit button below when you are ready. You will then receive a confirmation email for your submission. You will soon hear from the training officer about how you have done.
Thank you for your efforts.