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Sydney Heritage Fleet

Climbing hints box.jpg


little-star.jpg  Before your feet leave the deck........CLIP ON

You must be clipped on at ALL TIMES when you are off the deck

(there are a very few exceptions such as working on the awnings when ship is alongside)


Climbing not huggin shroud snip.jpg

Climbing shrouds snip.jpg

little-star.jpg  It’s easier to climb if you keep your tummy off the shrouds.

Stand up straight & keep your weight over your feet



Straddle with arrows snip.jpg


little-star.jpg  Keep a foot on either side of a shroud.

It feels more stable and is more secure.



 *  *  *  *  *  *


Climbing Clancywith harness200.jpg  little-star.jpg   Take care what you hold onto!


