Harnesses are stored in the bosun’s locker forward, on the starboard side.
They come in 3 sizes – small, medium & large.
Select a medium size first, unless you are very tall or very short.
Elegant red tag marks the larger harnesses
- suitable for people with bigger frames.
(usually stored towards the forward end of the harness rack.)
You can tell the small harnesses by the mesh vest.
(usually stored towards the aft end of the harness rack)
It’s important that clips are correctly secured and straps are not twisted when harness is put on.
*** Check condition of harness
*** Now check if your harness has leg straps with clips or "step-in" leg straps.
(because this will determine how you put it on!)
If you have leg straps with clips:-
Put on yellow straps
- like a coat
Make sure this clip is fully clicked home. You should hear the click if you've done it correctly.
If it's a "step-in":-
Step into the leg straps first - before you put on the yellow straps.
Make sure karabiner sits correctly, exactly like this.
Curved part is to the outside, slider is against your body and loops are not twisted.
It's easy to get this wrong!
A self test question follows:-