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Sydney Heritage Fleet



Playing with blocks


If you are familiar with using a CMS, you may find that Concrete 5 is a little different in that pages are created in BLOCKS.

Before you can enter content of any sort, you need to create a block.


A block can then contain any content you want  --  text, pictures, text and picture combination, a file, video......whatever you like.


You can decide to put all your content into one block for a  page, or enter your content in several different blocks on the one page, which I find makes layout and editing easier.



 Edit a page


In the sandpit, you will find at least one block on the first page.



Depending on what state the sandpit has been left in by previous user, there may be more blocks or more pages.


Make changes to a page.


To make any changes, you must first get into edit mode.


Click the Edit button in the top left of the task bar.


Mouse over and click a block you want to edit. This block will go grey

 (you may need to wait a couple of seconds for this to happen)


click edit.jpg



If there are already several blocks on the page, choose the one you want to work on.


You can now change this block. 

Edit, insert, delete, copy & paste from a Word document.

Play a bit with some tools:-

the quick brown fox  (cross out)

 2015-06-2813:53:28    (insert time/date; change the size, or font it comes up in)

the quick brown dog   (font colour)  can change in same line  to any colour


the quick brown dog   ( background colour - can change this too in the same line by highlighting the required section)


 €  ♥  Ü  ∞  Tongue Out   (special characters, emoticons)


try font sizes; different fonts

and a variety of headings (under Format)

Save change to block.jpg



You can then preview the changes, to check what it will look like when it's published.


  sandpit edit page 3.jpg


Now add another block


 Click Editing, then Edit this page as before. 


Instead of clicking an existing block, mouse over and click Add To Main, then choose Add Block in the dialog box that appears


click add to main.jpg


On the next screen, click Content 


Sandpit add block.jpg


This will open a new block and you can enter your material, 

then save and preview as before. (Add+ will appear instead of Saveain the bottom right) 






I've put this text in the third block on this page. To edit this bit, I would need to go through the process above and open this block.





This is in another block again.


Even though this process seems laborious, it actually does make layout much easier than working through one huge page. This way you can edit just one smaller section, and leave the rest untouched.


Click Move in the dialog box and you can rearrange the position of your blocks.


Move block.jpg




 blocks rearranged.jpg



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